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Unlock Your Healing

Let me help you unlock your innate capacity for healing so that you can experience true health, in mind, body, and spirit.

Luminous Healing

I will guide and support you on your journey back to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

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Return to Wellness

Approaching your wellness through Quantum Biology and Circadian principles.


Discover How To Overcome Fatigue for Perimenopausal Women

Without Needing More Sleep, Coffee, Or Taking Pills

Get Access To My 3 Simple, Yet Little Known Strategies For 40+ Perimenopausal Women To Reclaim Their Youthful Energy And Vitality.

My name is Rachel Maurice

and I'm your Unconventional MD

Did you know that your body stores memories in the same way that a computer's hard drive stores data? Are you aware that stored traumatic memories can have a very large impact on how your body and mind operate?  These stored memories can drain your energy and negatively affect your mood.  These stored memories can also become the catalyst for disease.  There is hope.  There are simple methods that address and reframe these stored memories.


Natural and accelerated health are possible but these stored memories need to be reframed inside your system.  If you have had traumatic impacts in your childhood and throughout your adult life, plus you are having a hard time building energy and maintaining your health, my memory reframing process (called Luminous Healing®) is something that may interest you.  If you would like to speak with me in person, you can click here to arrange for a discount on your initial Luminous Healing® session.  I look forward to answering your questions.


To learn more about my Luminous Healing Process®

Rachel Maurice photo sitting on stool

Connect with Me

Luminous Healing® is the framework for how I will guide and support you on your journey back to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health

Breathe life into your body and envision it

as the healthy temple it is intended to be.


I took a session with Rachel on December 2nd, 2022.  Although I am educated in healthy living practices, I still have my addictions. I also have some recurring dreams about being late for many different events.  I've never really had a professional look into these deeper issues for me.  It was obvious that these two issues were trapped in certain parts of my body as pain, as Rachel's expertise pinpointed quickly.  I could literally feel those pain syndromes turning off and on as Rachel targeted my memories and worked her magic.  Because of Rachel I now have a thought blueprint that can help me rework and reframe these trapped emotions, which were igniting pain in two important parts of my body.  I loved the knowledge, the healing and Rachel's beautifully handling of my spirit during this therapy session.


Jason Christoff 

Master Self Sabotage Coach

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 

Jason Christoff Photo sitting on couch
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