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Shadow on the Wall

Holographic Memory Resolution®

Method created by Brent M. Baum, STB, SSL, ICADC, LISAC, CCH


What is HMR?


Holographic Memory Resolution® is a new mind-body approach that facilitates access to past memories and helps to resolve the painful emotions associated with these events without having to re-live such experiences and without affecting historical memory. 


This technique is profoundly empowering to the survivor who becomes his/her own "healer". 


HMR® employs both a verbal component and a simple nervous system support technique that enhances sensory access to memory while fostering safety. 


The body-centered, client-centered process facilitates the resolution of somatic (body) memory, thereby disarming the triggers that foster physical pain, flashbacks, disease, and relapse. 


By resolving these distortions in the cells and fields of our bodies, we can improve our immune system functioning and heal many of our diseases, a significant percentage of which find their origins in our trauma memories.

HMR® is a "reframing" technique that addresses the emotional charge of the encoded scene.  It functions by helping the trauma survivor transmit a corrective signal- a holographic fragment of the "corrected" or safe scene through the parts of the nervous system which hold the original charge, thereby holographically reprogramming or completing the original frame or charge of the trauma. 


When the original cells and fields of the body receive the corrective signal containing the missing emotional frequencies, the original charge is "completed".


Individuals who normally cannot visualize, be hypnotized, or access memory, generally find this process simple and effective. 


This technique is profoundly time efficient and provides resolution and empowerment for the client whose bodymind has held this pain intact since the moment of its encoding in the nervous system. 


Such traumatic experiences form the foundation of our addictions, depression, diseases, and many chronic pain syndromes, as well as many other disorders. 


HMR® teaches the client how to heal him/herself, resolving the emotions that anchored the experience in the past, thereby enabling the client to return the focus of life to living fully empowered in the present.

- Brent M. Baum -

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

What is Luminous Healing?


It is the framework for how I will guide and support you on your journey back to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Shadow on the Wall

Optimal health is found in the present moment

- Brent Baum -

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